State of Emergency dealt with More...
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Michaelis School of Fine Art
State of Emergency, 2019
Solo exhibition, Lizamore and Associates Gallery, Johannesburg, 29 August – 5 October 2019
Exhibition videos: Scroll to videos
State of Emergency dealt with flashback memories of my youth and the existential crisis of my adult life. I was born in 1969 and grew up in Pretoria, where I was daily exposed to relentless displays of the power of “The State”. In the mornings teachers dressed in Safari suits indoctrinated me with a history of our country spun from lies that suited them; in the afternoons while I played rugby Mirage fighter jets, stationed at Waterkloof Air Force Base, flew overhead; on the highway going home, we drove past convoys of Ratel combat vehicles; at night, on the news on television police Casspirs patrolled black townships.
The uprisings that started in 2015 as a result of the #RhodesMustFall movement at the University of Cape Town, brought into sharp focus issues of colonialism, white privilege and identity politics. As a white, Afrikaans speaking man, I was plunged into a crisis. The title of Paul Gauguin’s 1898 painting, “Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going?” came to mind as I too wrestled to make sense of who I am, where I have come from, and where I am going.

Onderstroming (Under Current), 2019, yellow and stink wood, 185 cm high x 46.5 cm wide x 46.5 cm deep.

Onderstroming (Under Current), 2019, yellow and stink wood, 185 cm high x 46.5 cm wide x 46.5 cm deep.

Ruiker Ballonne (Bouquet of Balloons), 2019, kiaat wood, mild steel, galvanised steel and enamel paint, 190 cm high x 93 cm wide x 93 cm deep.

Mirages, 2019, French Oak wood, mild steel, galvanised steel, enamel paint, 168 cm high x 158 cm wide x 90 cm deep.

Letting go, 2019, jelutong wood, mild steel, galvanised steel and enamel paint, 235 cm high x 95 cm wide x 95 cm deep.

Monster in die Donker - Casspir (Demons in the Night - Casspir), 2019, bronze, kiaat, sand stone, gold leaf, edition 1/12, 199 cm high x 27 cm wide x 19 cm deep.

Trekker (Tractor), 2019, bronze, kiaat, sand stone, gold leaf, edition 1/12, 137 cm high x 24 cm wide x 19 cm deep.

Hoeksteen (Corner Stone), 2019, Table Mountain sand stone, mild steel, galvanised steel and enamel paint, 103.5 cm high x 90 cm wide x 90 cm deep.

Noord (North), 2019, mild steel, galvanised steel and enamel paint, edition 1/1, 228 cm high x 90 cm wide x 90 cm deep.

Monster in die Donker - G6 (Demons in the Night – G6), 2019, bronze, mild steel, galvanised steel and enamel paint, edition 1/3, 127 cm high x 61 cm wide x 61 cm deep.

Monster in die Donker – Casspir (Demons in the Night – Casspir), 2019, bronze, mild steel, galvanised steel and enamel paint, edition 1/4, 178 cm high x 61 cm wide.

Monster in die Donker - Buffel (Demons in the Night – Buffel), 2019, bronze, mild steel, galvanised steel and enamel paint, edition 3/4, 151 cm high x 61 cm wide x 61 cm deep.

Brandberg, 2019, found wood, bronze, mild steel, galvanised steel and enamel paint, 134 cm high x 99 cm wide x 59 cm deep.

‘Pens’, 2019, embroidery,satin thread on cotton or linen, artist proof 1/3 (edition 3), 23.7 cm high x 29.5 cm wide.

Baksteen, 2019, embroidery – satin thread on cotton or linen, artist proof 1/2 (edition 3), 23.7 cm high x 29.5 cm wide.

Meetkunde, 2019, embroidery – satin thread on cotton or linen, artist proof 1/1 (edition 3), 23.7 cm high x 29.5 cm wide.

Skande (Shame), 2019, topographic map, found objects and wood, 78.5 cm high x 59 cm wide.

Goud 79 Au (Gold 79 Au), 2019, topographic map, found objects and wood, 78.5 cm high x 59 cm wide.

Grens (Border), 2019, topographic map, found objects and wood, 78.5 cm high x 59 cm wide.

Mirage, 2019, topographic map, found objects and wood, 78.5 cm high x 59 cm wide.

Voorvaders (Ancestors), 2019, topographic map, found objects and wood, 78.5 cm high x 59 cm wide.

Paradys (Paradise), 2019, topographic map, found objects and wood, 78.5 cm high x 59 cm wide.

Just a Passing Phase, 2019, bronze, mild steel, galvanised steel and enamel paint, edition 1/5, 142 cm high x 61cm wide x 61 cm deep.

Baba (Baby), 2019, bronze, mild steel, galvanised steel and enamel paint, 118 cm high x 60 cm wide x 60 cm deep.

Stoep (Veranda), 2019, bronze, mild steel, galvanised steel and enamel paint, 108 cm high x 60 cm wide x 60 cm deep., 28 Augustus 2019, Johannesburg, South Africa. 'n Nuwe kunsuitstalling, getiteld Noodtoestand, probeer lig werp op wat wit Suid-Afrikaners se rol in 'n demokratiese Suid-Afrika behoort te wees. Die idee het tydens die Rhodes Must Fall-optogte posgevat toe die kunstenaar, Johann van der Schijff, by die Universiteit van Kaapstad gedoseer het. Van der Schijff het die noodtoestande wat hy as kind in Suid-Afrika ervaar het as metafoor gebruik.
Spoorsny (Tracking), 2019, found video footage, displayed on flatscreen television with kiaat and camphor wood frame, 108 cm wide x 67,5 cm high. Forming part of State of Emergency, solo exhibition, Lizamore and Associates Gallery, Johannesburg, 29 August – 5 October 2019.
Anker (Mooring), 2019, video footage, displayed on flatscreen television with kiaat and camphor wood frame, 108 cm wide x 67,5 cm high. Forming part of State of Emergency, solo exhibition, Lizamore and Associates Gallery, Johannesburg, 29 August – 5 October 2019.
Suburbia, 2019, video footage, displayed on flatscreen television with kiaat and camphor wood frame, 108 cm wide x 67,5 cm high. Forming part of State of Emergency, solo exhibition, Lizamore and Associates Gallery, Johannesburg, 29 August – 5 October 2019.
The Door of No Return, 2019, video footage, displayed on flatscreen television in portrait format with kiaat and camphor wood frame, 108 cm wide x 67,5 cm high. Forming part of State of Emergency, solo exhibition, Lizamore and Associates Gallery, Johannesburg, 29 August – 5 October 2019.